Sunday, February 22, 2009

Beyond Tired and Stressed

This has been such a bad and long week.

Here's the gist of it...

My mom was hospitalized for three days... so I basically was stressed out of my mind. I was so scared.
I had four exams... three of them were on the same day. The other one occured while my mom was still in the hospital.
I still have two more exams to go... and I'm just so darn exhausted.

I just want to be able to sleep and not feel guilty. I want to just have a little bit of breathing room... but I don't even know. Not until this Tuesday afternoon.

I'm so bummed out. I'm not very happy right now. I just feel stress... stress... and more stress.
I can't wait for the weekend... this will be the first time in a long time when I can actually feel like I have free time.

I know I signed up for this... I know that dental school is hard and I am very glad that I'm here. I'm just really tired.

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