Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tired of cleaning

Everything in the kitchen and bathroom seems grimy and yucky. I feel like I can never get it clean. I am so frustrated. The main room, dressing room, closet, and dining rooms are fine. The bathroom has a permanent nasty smell because of the deteriorating condition of the radiator. The cupboards, stove, oven, and sink are grimy. I have fixed the stove and oven and sink. I don't think I will ever get over the cupboards. I'm so sad and frustrated about everything.

I've been inhaling Lysol for three hours now as I try to clean everything. I am afraid that when my aunt and cousin come here, they will have to clean for forever. I don't think I can get this place clean in time. I'm already tired and upset about everything. HELP!!!

1 comment:

raimyb said...

are the cupboards as bad as the ones in our Berkeley apartment?? remember that really gross bottom one that we never used?
I think the best you can do is just wipe down the cupboard doors and shelves. Also you can get shelving mats and put them on the shelves.
Or you can get some kitchen carts from ikea if you have room in your place?

I'm sorry your apartment is so sucky. Its only for a year and then you can take your time finding a nice, but cheap apartment.